Emmm..x nak nulis gak..utk mlm bkn ni yg terakhir..utk terakhir malam..betul ke bahasa aq ni??apa2 je lah..syaratnya aku x buang masa, sblm mate ku bagi arahan utk tutup,,masih lip lap ni..kena gune sepenuhnya le...
demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia berada dalam kerugian. kenapa allah cakap dalam kerugian.? kenapa tak dalam keuntungan.? sebab masa tak boleh diputarkan kembali walaupun satu saat. guna time machine pun takkan mampu mengubah masa. ini kerja allah. dan kenapa orang melayu sangatlah sinonim dengan sikap tak menepati masa. selalu orang tanya, "ikut masa orang melayu ke orang putih.?" =.='
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"Tak suke tunggu tau!!" |
tatkala sedang menuggu seseorang, aku terfikir, "apsal lambat sangat nih.? masa aku bergerak kot.! adakah orang ini telah berhutang masa dengan aku.?" hmmm. wujud ke hutang masa.? contoh: janji pukul 3.00 petang tapi sampai 3.10 petang. macam mana dengan 10 minit tu.? macam mana kau nak bayar semula 10 minit orang yang tengah menunggu tu.? ada cara ke nak bayar balik hutang masa tu.? ce cite ce cite.
takde kan.? jadi, apa yang penting.? (nada lagu wonderpet). please be punctual.! lepas ni, selain daripada cakap "halalkan makan minum dan hutang aku." maybe korang boleh tambah "halalkan masa yang aku dah ambil daripada kau". tak gitu caranya.? for me, aku dah halalkan. tapi, kalau dah selalu sangat aku boleh TERmarah nanti. hihi.
Allah pun mengajar kita untuk menepati masa melalui solat. be punctual.! nak terus berada dalam kerugian ke.? jangan jadi si pencuri masa. kalau lambat, aku rotan.! ini juga adalah peringatan untuk diri sendiri. renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.
( jap nak bancuh susu jap..breakk!!!eeeeeeeeerrrkkk ) :p
( jap nak bancuh susu jap..breakk!!!eeeeeeeeerrrkkk ) :p
As you travel through life
there are always those times
when decisions just have to be made,
when the choices are hard and solutions seem scarce
and the rain seems to soak your parade!
There are some situationswhere all you can
do is to simply let go and move on,
gather courage together and choose a direction
that carries you toward a new dawn.
So pack up your troubles and take a step forward.
The process of change can be tough.
But think about all the excitement ahead,
if you can be stalwart enough!
There could be adventures you never imagined just waiting around
the next bend and wishes and dreams
just about to come true in ways you can't yet comprehend!
Perhaps you'll find relationships
that spring from new interests,
as you challenge your status
quo and learn there are so many options in life,
and so many ways you can grow!
Perhaps you'll go places
you never expected and see things that you've never seen,
or travel to fabulous,
faraway worlds and wonderful spots in between!
Perhaps you'll find warmth,
affection and caring,
a "somebody special" who's
there to help you stay centered and listen with interest to stories and feelings you share.
Perhaps you'll find comfort in knowing
your friends are supportive of all that you do and believe
that whatever decisions you make,
they'll be the right choices for you!
So keep putting one foot
in front of the other and taking your life day by day.
There's a brighter tomorrow that's just down the road.
Don't look back,
you're not going that way!
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